Validation Rules

As users are reviewing, many payments will have multiple lines created due to splitting. We've built validation rules to help users streamline this review process by creating a soft-requirement for various line item fields base on others when reviewing a payment.


  • Flag missing fields to users
  • Customize the condition that soft-requires a field
  • Surface line item validation error on check page for specific line item

Confido can soft-require a variety of fields:

  • Promotion
  • Execution dates
  • Product
  • Product Family

Confido does not prevent pushing the check through. Rather, the system will flag to the user if the values are missing.

  • "Deduction amounts below -$100.00 are not accepted for KeHE"
  • "A retailer must be entered"

Example check with amount -$101.00 and no retailer - highlights fields:

  • Net Amount - "Please choose an amount >= -$100.00"
  • Retailer - "Field must be entered"